kissplay STORYLINE

​the K.i.s.s. principle

On a summer morning in 1977, Waterloo engineering graduate Bob Allen overheard his manager say to a fellow designer, “Just use the K.I.S.S. principle.” This was in association with a new system design for the Canadian Naval Helicopter Hauldown System, formerly nicknamed the “Beartrap.” When nearby employees looked puzzled, the manager added, just “Keep It Simple Stupid” and walked away. That same lunch hour, Bob went to Mississauga’s Square One shopping center to come up with his own K.I.S.S. idea for a new game. After seeing a Pet Rock in a box that had made someone quite rich, Bob returned to work with an idea for a Kiss Collection Kit consisting of a diary in a game box for recording memorable kisses. 

​​first kiss

To begin, he recalled his first memorable kiss received from Linda on his grandparent's front step in Welland during the summer holidays after starting elementary school. Looking back this was the start of his KISSPLAY story, which is currently being written.